Tuesday, September 20, 2011

School? Nah, ANIME!

Yuck. I'm supposed to be working on my college essay, but every time I try to think, my brain goes all fuzzy and dies. So I'm on here, having fun. :)

I found some more anime to watch. Not a whole bunch, but some good ones. Well, I think they're good.
Let's see, I am now watching:

Full Metal Alchemist
  • It's so good! I love the character development and storyline, but the story is becoming really dramatic and drawn out. Still, it's cool. I love the theme songs!
Sacred Blacksmith
  •  The songs are just one part of this amazing anime! I like the idea of demon swords being able to take on human form. The silliness between Luke and Cecily always makes me laugh. ^_^
  • Lina's costume is sorta hard on the eyes with all the different colors and armor, but her hilarious stubbornness and magic makes up for it. I feel sorry that she has to put up with Gourry, but without him, it wouldn't be half as good. Maybe it's good that she suffers so! ^_^
Fruits Basket
  • This anime is so good! I love the cuteness and silliness and secretness of it. The cute zodiac plot along with Tohru's niceness and  living situation makes for an amazing story. I can't wait to meet all the zodiac members and see what happens between Tohru and the Sohma family in the end.
Angel Beats
  • I love the storyline in this anime! The war for life being continued after death and all the small twists in the plot are really exciting! I love the characters and their personalities and how they all work (or fight) together.
Gurren Lagann
  • This started out as a super cool show, but once they defeated Lord Genome and built the city and grew up, it just got weird. I'll stick with it, but with Nia having turned evil, Rossiu being a power-hungry jerk, Yoko and Kamina gone, and Simon all grown up, it'll be hard.
  • The weird characters are often funny, but usually just strange. Most of the people Okazaki encounters are really energetic and looking for fights, or really shy and quiet and just weird or crazy. :P It's ok, but if there's no real plot besides opening a drama club, I'll just stop watching.
Tokyo Majin
  • The first episode was really crazy and all ROAR! and the second was weird and also roar!, so I have no idea if there's a plot amongst all of this monster stuff. The only thing I can discern from all the roar!ness is that they're a bunch of kids who like to fight and the reporter girl follows them. Really strange. :P
  • I've finally started watching Naruto. It was a huge rage when I was in 7th grade, but I've only just now found it. I've only seen the first episode, and it just looks weird. The fox with nine tails sure gets Naruto in trouble. :P Unfortunately, Netflix only has the english subbed version.  I'll watch a few more, hopefully I can find it in english.
  • Again, I've only seen the first episode, but it seems pretty cool. I saw it in english, but Netflix only has english dubbed, so I've got to watch it on the compooter. I wonder how Ichigo is going to settle the whole seeing spirits thing with Rukia. She didn't seem to happy to find out about his powers! ^_^
I looked on youtube for popular anime theme songs, and holy cows from India! There are so many different animes out there!! Well, I knew that, but still! There are so many! My weekends for the next few years are fully booked. Anime shall completely dominate my life until I have seen every one! So, I guess it always will, huh? ^_^
Any suggestions of good anime are greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life in the Future looks Dark

The closer I get to finishing school and entering adulthood, the more I wish I was somewhere else. Anywhere else, just not here. I mean, I have no future. I don't want to work, but I'm gonna have to get a job if I'm going to continue to live the kind of life I'm accustomed to. But I'm not good at anything except video games. And I don't want to make them, just play them. The only jobs I'm interested in; like tap-dancing, opera, theatre, being a musician, an actor, a writer, things like that, I have no talent or experience for. You can't pursue your interests without talent. You just fail and wind up even lower on the ladder of happiness and success.
I've tried to improve my improv skills, but when I get in front of people totally unprepared, I just fail. I'm too shy. Because I'm so shy, whenever I try out for plays, I give my weakest performance, making them think I'm no good, or that I'm shy, or both. I'm weird, so that if they would just give me the part, I'd practice weakly, but be bold on stage in the end. I'm just weird like that. If I'm well-rehearsed (my style), than in front of the real audience, I'm perfect. But you have to be perfect to begin with in order to get the part, and I never will be.
If only Dr. Who would come and take me to another world or time, or if I could somehow find Xanth, or gain a power or talent, would I be happy. I just want to leave this world, this time, these people, this sorrow. I wish every day for something like that to happen to me, but I'm still waiting; still in pain. I'm the oddly shaped piece that just doesn't fit into the puzzle of this world. And what do you do with the one piece that doesn't fit? You throw it out. No matter how hard that piece tries to change, it just can't, and no outside force can help, either. So everyday, when no magic or science fiction comes to save me, I am pushed down even further by my self-inflicted sorrow.

Black Butler

I finally finished Black Butler season 1. It was amazing. It touched me. The ending was magnificent; Sebastian finally ate Ciel's soul. It was stunningly magnificent.
The episode after that had a small blurb at the end suggesting that an off-shoot called Black Sushi Chef had been created, but I'm not sure if that is real. I've heard that Black Butler season 2 is about Ciel becoming a demon, but Netflix doesn't have it. I found it online, but it's not in english, just english subs. I hope that it is dubbed soon. I don't know of any other great anime shows in english. The search shall continue.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

7 and 4 Intro

This is my new youtube series, the Adventures of 7 and 4! I hope to have some more episodes up in the next couple of weeks. And definitely one for Valentines Day. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekend Anime and more

Over the weekend, I learned of the anime Princess Tutu, and now I can't stop watching it!
It's so silly and a little weird, but I think it's so much better than Sailor Moon. I wish I knew more of the Japanese culture and more anime shows.Wouldn't it be cool if we lived in an anime world? We could be animals or have wacky hair colors and it would be totally normal! Our lives would also be much better and adventurous. I could actually live out in the forest if I wanted to, or have magic powers; like flying or talking to animals! Oh, I'm so jealous of anime characters! ^_^

I started drawing anime, but I suck. :P I'm getting instructions from Manga Tutorials, but I just don't have the talent. Well, it's only been a week, another year or 2 and I should be ok. :) The hair is my biggest problem, but I'm also having trouble with the eyes, mouth, and nose. Basically everything. I haven't even thought about the body or clothes!! Yikes!

British Club is tomorrow, and I'm going to show Mulberry! He's so funny! "Giraffes are simply there." "Where? I don't see them." I made chocolate peanut butter cookies to bring since I can't really bring bangers and mash. ^_^

I'm not sure he likes me anymore. All the Truth or Dare stuff isn't working anymore, I can never get a game going. And he just kind of plays games on my iphone and talks about weird stuff to all of us. Well, more like argues, but still. ^_^ I think he was just in a "You like me, I'll pay attention to you for a while" phase. His brother sent him a message a few weeks ago that said, "Have you asked her the question yet?" and although no names were given, he tried to hide the message from me, so...I only caught part of his reply, "Not yet, I'm waiting until..." I didn't get the rest. But I think he is waiting for another party. At the last, my friends and him had so much fun playing Truth or Dare and wrestling him. ^_^ I'm hoping to have another party soon, so we'll see.

We went to the new location of the library, and it is amazing! The layout is so cool, and a lot of people must have agreed of it's amazingness, because it was packed! There were 2 self-checkout computers, and they were both full! People love reading! :D I got the print version of The Dreamer, but it didn't have much. I have the online version, so I can keep reading. I also got the third book of the Peter and the Starcatchers trio. Woohoo!! There was also a manga that looked really cool, Pixie, and it was the first book (which is rare at the library) so I snagged it. Not a clue what it's about, but dying to read it and study the drawings. ^_^

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I don't like school

I got sick yesterday and missed school. Not sure that was a good thing. Sure, it got me out of doing a day's worth of homework, but I missed talking to the few people I know. Now I have twice as much homework, and still in the "No homework!!!!" mood from break. Darn.

In choir, we were supposed to find three songs that we liked, but I didn't see any from Rigoletto. I only found one, and my friend wanted it, not me. The boys kept singing loudly and horribly during the search, much to my ears' dismay. And I'm scared of what songs the snobby girls are choosing, because last time, they sang a hideous song by "Justine Baby". *Shudder* Any male who sings like that isn't a male.

Even though I slept most of yesterday, I couldn't get to sleep last night. I remember being awake for at least an hour before looking at the clock, which said 5. And hour before I needed to get up. Great.

I was ignored by almost everyone today. Only one kid said "Oh, you're here today?" but he doesn't like me at all. Brandon asked about my break. He's nice, and I don't know why he talks to me (Even though it's about once a month). Naomi was just as sweet and loving as ever. She had purple shoes today, so I stole one. ^_^

On the bus home, Marcus had Super Monkey Ball on his iphone. He kept dying, so John took over a beat all the levels in the first world. It was great. :) We kept trading it around and only John managed to stay alive for more than 2 levels. ^_^ Marcus cut his hair, so I nicknamed him Fuzzy. Now I have Fluffy, and Fuzzy. Hooray!!! :D

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Blues

I'm so bored and lonely. The boredom I can handle, and I guess TV and videogames can help push away loneliness, but still. I don't like it. :P

School starts tomorrow, and I am NOT happy. >:(
I'm glad I'll get to see my friends, but I only see them once or twice. Two on the bus only, and there's my three girlfriends I hang out with, but between class and homework, we can't really talk.
And the guy I like said something about asking me out when we were playing Truth or Dare (through text and facebook, of course), but I'm not sure if I should accept. I really like him, but some of the questions he was asking were a little extreme. Well, extreme for me, the shy and good girl. :P

I found out that the actor who plays Eli, in the episode Devi of Xena, also plays Lassiter in Psych. Cool. :) I like when we're watching something, and someone will just shout out, "Hey, he plays this guy in that one movie!" It's so fun. :)

The only good thing about Christmas break was the PS3 move we got (Only have the sports game), and the two day trip to Grandma's. We actually got trapped there because of the snow, and had to spend an extra night. We watched Les Miserables and played Clue and had delicious vegetable lasagna! Yum! :)

I wrote a poem a few days ago, about the sadness teenagers feel, and how the "world hates me, no one likes me!" Yep. I like it.

And I climbed some trees! :D I'm so happy, because it's the first time since I broke my collarbone a few months ago. And I cut my hand while climbing, it was so cool! :D Finally, happiness!