Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I don't like school

I got sick yesterday and missed school. Not sure that was a good thing. Sure, it got me out of doing a day's worth of homework, but I missed talking to the few people I know. Now I have twice as much homework, and still in the "No homework!!!!" mood from break. Darn.

In choir, we were supposed to find three songs that we liked, but I didn't see any from Rigoletto. I only found one, and my friend wanted it, not me. The boys kept singing loudly and horribly during the search, much to my ears' dismay. And I'm scared of what songs the snobby girls are choosing, because last time, they sang a hideous song by "Justine Baby". *Shudder* Any male who sings like that isn't a male.

Even though I slept most of yesterday, I couldn't get to sleep last night. I remember being awake for at least an hour before looking at the clock, which said 5. And hour before I needed to get up. Great.

I was ignored by almost everyone today. Only one kid said "Oh, you're here today?" but he doesn't like me at all. Brandon asked about my break. He's nice, and I don't know why he talks to me (Even though it's about once a month). Naomi was just as sweet and loving as ever. She had purple shoes today, so I stole one. ^_^

On the bus home, Marcus had Super Monkey Ball on his iphone. He kept dying, so John took over a beat all the levels in the first world. It was great. :) We kept trading it around and only John managed to stay alive for more than 2 levels. ^_^ Marcus cut his hair, so I nicknamed him Fuzzy. Now I have Fluffy, and Fuzzy. Hooray!!! :D

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