Thursday, April 26, 2012

Touching Hearts with Music

Last night was my last high school choir concert. We sang some really weird and dumb songs I'd never heard of before. But we also had solos, mine included.

When I got out there, the microphone was missing, so I had to steal the guitar mic, but it wouldn't come off the stand! And then someone comes out with the microphone, but tried to put it back instead of give it to me! ^_^ I finally got it and sang.

I wasn't very nervous (I'd been on stage alone before and quite liked it), but for some reason, I was shaky inside. It was to the point where, when I sang, I could feel the shakiness in my voice and I couldn't hold a note as long as I normally could, I just ran out of breath. But I gave it my all, and sang from my heart to those in the audience who have helped me find myself. I lost my shy self within the music, and became the words, the melody.
When I got off the stage, my friend said she cried a little.

After the last song, our teacher called up the twelfth graders (me included) and gave us all pitch pipes! I was so excited! I'd seen my favorite teacher use a pitch pipe all the time, and many memories were contained in the sight of one, so I was very glad to finally have one of my own. We all played them at the same time and created a "beautiful" cacophony of notes. ^_^

When the present ceremony was complete, the teacher announced that there were cookies, and I jumped. I shouted to my friend, and ran. Cookies! She was laughing over my excitement. I got my cookie and juice and was happy.

A few people came up to tell me I did a great job singing. Even some people I didn't know! That made me happy. I'm glad to know that my song touched people's hearts. Maybe someday I can do it again.

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