Friday, December 7, 2012

License (to kill?) ^_^

      I didn't really want to get my driving license, but my parents pushed me to do it. So if there's an emergency like we're out of milk, I can go out and legally drive. :P
      I was having fun not driving, mainly because of my funny phrase: "I can drive. Just not legally." And it's not like I have anywhere to drive to.

      But last year I got my permit and drove around with my dad. It was ok. Then he decided that it was time for me to actually get my license, so we planned it for the 5th of Dec.
      We went down to the testing area on the Sunday before to practice parallel parking in the actual testing spot, but there was already someone there. And boy, could she not park. It was hilarious watching her. She turned way too late and ended up backing in at a 90 degree angle. Multiple times.
      So we left and drove around the streets and practiced other things for about 45 minutes. When we returned, she was still there, and still just as horrible. So you know what I did? I got some BK for lunch, went out onto a road and parallel parked in traffic and did it perfectly (my dad's words, not mine).
      When we passed by a third time, she was still trying to do it, and two other cars were waiting for her. I was tempted to tell them not to bother, but was thoroughly irritated by this time, so I just headed home.

      When I actually went in for my test, I wasn't really nervous. Until the lady got into the car. I had heard stories of the testing people being non-talkative, but she was really scary. In a "you look at me wrong and I will glare at you so hard your eyeballs will explode" kind of way. I started getting nervous really fast. We did the parallel parking first, and you'd think that I'd pass that, right? I failed it. Apparently I hit the imaginary and invisible car behind me. I apologize, imaginary car.
      Then we drove around the streets and she had me back around a corner (when are we ever going to need to do that?). I failed that as well. I can actually do it well, but I failed it because the "corner" she chose for me was a bunch of grass that went out past the actual curb. Which one was I supposed to stick close to?      
      The grass line or the actual curb? I chose the grass line, and ended up way too far from the actual curb. If I ever have to actually back up around a corner, I'll be sure to find one with a real curb.
      By the end of the test, my hands were shaking. You know it's bad when my hands are shaking. I don't freak out to the point where that ever happens. I just get swarms of angry dragonflies in my tummy; (Like it? I made it up myself; I'm not sure if it really captures the feeling, though) but I can keep them under control.     
      As I parked the car, she starts telling me everything I did incorrectly. My head was trying to keep up with all that she's saying (it was still in shock from her scariness), and it didn't really kick in when she said that I passed. She hands me the paper with my score and exits, leaving me to go, "Huh?" and figure it all out.
      Dad was happy that I passed. He said that he didn't pass his first one because the tester was an idiot, but he passed his next one with a 98. I feel bad. I know that I can actually drive correctly, but my score was only 84. That sucks. :P

      Now that I can actually drive legally on my own, I'm picking up a friend tomorrow for a Blackadder marathon, I'm going to take my sister out to a movie tonight. My first drive as a legal driver. And I don't really care. You know how everyone gets super excited about driving? I don't care. Sure, now I can drive a deadly metal machine, but I'd prefer being allowed to drive an ultralite aircraft or shoot a gun. They're just about as dangerous, but a yotz of a lot more fun. :)