Tuesday, September 20, 2011

School? Nah, ANIME!

Yuck. I'm supposed to be working on my college essay, but every time I try to think, my brain goes all fuzzy and dies. So I'm on here, having fun. :)

I found some more anime to watch. Not a whole bunch, but some good ones. Well, I think they're good.
Let's see, I am now watching:

Full Metal Alchemist
  • It's so good! I love the character development and storyline, but the story is becoming really dramatic and drawn out. Still, it's cool. I love the theme songs!
Sacred Blacksmith
  •  The songs are just one part of this amazing anime! I like the idea of demon swords being able to take on human form. The silliness between Luke and Cecily always makes me laugh. ^_^
  • Lina's costume is sorta hard on the eyes with all the different colors and armor, but her hilarious stubbornness and magic makes up for it. I feel sorry that she has to put up with Gourry, but without him, it wouldn't be half as good. Maybe it's good that she suffers so! ^_^
Fruits Basket
  • This anime is so good! I love the cuteness and silliness and secretness of it. The cute zodiac plot along with Tohru's niceness and  living situation makes for an amazing story. I can't wait to meet all the zodiac members and see what happens between Tohru and the Sohma family in the end.
Angel Beats
  • I love the storyline in this anime! The war for life being continued after death and all the small twists in the plot are really exciting! I love the characters and their personalities and how they all work (or fight) together.
Gurren Lagann
  • This started out as a super cool show, but once they defeated Lord Genome and built the city and grew up, it just got weird. I'll stick with it, but with Nia having turned evil, Rossiu being a power-hungry jerk, Yoko and Kamina gone, and Simon all grown up, it'll be hard.
  • The weird characters are often funny, but usually just strange. Most of the people Okazaki encounters are really energetic and looking for fights, or really shy and quiet and just weird or crazy. :P It's ok, but if there's no real plot besides opening a drama club, I'll just stop watching.
Tokyo Majin
  • The first episode was really crazy and all ROAR! and the second was weird and also roar!, so I have no idea if there's a plot amongst all of this monster stuff. The only thing I can discern from all the roar!ness is that they're a bunch of kids who like to fight and the reporter girl follows them. Really strange. :P
  • I've finally started watching Naruto. It was a huge rage when I was in 7th grade, but I've only just now found it. I've only seen the first episode, and it just looks weird. The fox with nine tails sure gets Naruto in trouble. :P Unfortunately, Netflix only has the english subbed version.  I'll watch a few more, hopefully I can find it in english.
  • Again, I've only seen the first episode, but it seems pretty cool. I saw it in english, but Netflix only has english dubbed, so I've got to watch it on the compooter. I wonder how Ichigo is going to settle the whole seeing spirits thing with Rukia. She didn't seem to happy to find out about his powers! ^_^
I looked on youtube for popular anime theme songs, and holy cows from India! There are so many different animes out there!! Well, I knew that, but still! There are so many! My weekends for the next few years are fully booked. Anime shall completely dominate my life until I have seen every one! So, I guess it always will, huh? ^_^
Any suggestions of good anime are greatly appreciated!