Thursday, May 20, 2010

Waiting for Friday

I know how everyone is always excited for Friday, but I am REALLY excited for tomorrow. :) I've never had a Tussock Moth Day, so have no clue what to excpect. Luckily, I have an easy job: Yearbook. I'm not quite sure what that entitles, but I think that it's just the easy task of handing them out or just sitting at a table and having people come get them. I'm not really sure what I want to do, but either way I will be interacting with people. And then I will participate in the dodgeball tournament! Yay! I'm so excited! :D The name of the team I'm on is Successfulness. It was named that because one of the members says that a lot. ^_^ It should be lots of fun! Wish me luck! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Talked to!

Some people at school actually talked to me today! I am so happy.
When I heard that the school actually gave us a grant for next year, I just decided, let me give it most of my all for what little of the year remains, and have fun. I guess people must have noticed, because they talked to me a little more than usual.

There was an Improv show today during lunch, canceling my usual game of 4-square, that showed me three really cool games I'm hoping I can introduce to my friends here at home.

One last day of the week to go! Along with the production of Annie that my friend and I are going to see (with our